Last week was a pretty crazy one for us. My sister Shayna left on her mission to Kyiv, Ukraine! She gave a thoughtfully composed talk about prayer and I especially loved her sweet testimony of the gospel and why she had decided to serve a mission. And she was wearing the cutest dress!
I ditched out of my symphony rehearsal early Tuesday night to be there for her setting apart and say goodbye. It was funny because my mom, Shayna, and I were just sitting at the kitchen table talking and then I told them I should get going since it was late. I said bye like it was no big deal and started walking to the door. Then I realized "oh yeah, you're saying bye for 18 months!" So after 20 more minutes, seven more "byes", and a few hugs, I left for real. It's really bizarre just saying goodbye to someone for a long time. Like a hug and a goodbye doesn't do justice to how much bigger than that it feels.

I've already had a brother serve a mission, and no offense to him, but I feel like I will miss my sister a little more! She is my only sister after all, and the one that I am constantly texting for fashion advice, life advice, funny cat photos, snap chats, etc. I will miss her dearly but know she will be an amazing missionary in Ukraine! She is one tough cookie and excels in anything she tries so I know this will be no different.
A few days later, we had a funeral service for Dustin's Grandma Harper. She was 93! I would love to live to at least 90! Unfortunately, the last five years of her life she had been living in a rest home, suffering from dementia and other illnesses. While it's always hard to lose a loved one, it was bittersweet for the whole family. Everyone was glad that she could finally be freed from her frail body and move on to be with her sweetheart who died 11 years ago.

They just had a small graveside service and it was lovely. The weather was perfect and the cemetery was located on a hill in Provo which overlooked the entire valley. Each of the children (including Dustin's dad) shared some favorite memories of her, the grandkids sang "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" and I played two pieces on the harp - "Over the Rainbow" and "O My Father" (which was her favorite hymn). After we had a luncheon with the family at Dustin's aunt's home. I only met Grandma Harper a few times and even though she didn't really know me, or remember me - she always touched me with her sweet smile and her loving spirit. One of my favorite things shared about her was that her favorite holiday was April Fool's and she always played the best tricks on everyone in the family!

A picture of us on Easter Sunday. I am so deeply grateful for our savior Jesus Christ, and his atonement and what it means for our family. Funerals are a little easier knowing that you will get to be with your loved ones again someday!