Monday, November 19, 2012

shayna aka sister hunt

My sister Shayna got her mission call last week!  Her MISSION CALL!  I don't think my mind has fully wrapped around the fact that she is actually going on a mission.  When they made the announcement in general conference in October that girls could leave at the age of 19, Shayna felt inspired that this was an answer about what she should do next with her life.  She will turn 19 on January 16, 2013.  The Tuesday after conference, she met with her bishop and started filling out her papers!  She turned in her papers and got her call a week later - on Wednesday, November 14th.  She had to wait until Thursday night to open it, and...

she's going to the Kiev, Ukraine mission!  She will be speaking Russian, and leaves March 27th, 2013!

Haha no one guessed Ukraine!  I am so happy, excited, and proud of her!  She is thrilled as you can imagine. Congrats Shayna!

The call.  It sat there a whole day before being opened since Shayna was still up in Logan.

The Kyiv, Ukraine temple - built 2010


  1. that's so exciting! aubrey is putting her papers in in january! it's so crazy that i'll have a brother and a sister out at the same time!

    1. that's crazy you'll have two sibs out at once!! exciting for aubrey! i think it's awesome that more girls will have the chance to go now.

  2. SO exciting, so happy. Congratulations Shayna!!
