Wednesday, June 12, 2013

my trip to utah

Being away from Dustin SUCKS but is sometimes necessary.  Like now.  I had to make a trip up to Utah to go in to work for a few weeks (basically to keep my boss happy so she will want me to come back in September).  However, this trip was extended when she needed me to work a few more days, and then extended again when I decided to come a few days earlier for my cousin's wedding.  I felt like I would regret not coming for the wedding, since the whole family was going to be in town, and my grandparents were coming up, and my grandma is dying and I wanted to see her and everyone else.  And I am really glad I was there for it.

So we are both staying busy and trying not to let missing each other affect what we are supposed to be doing.  Poor Dustin had to move all of our stuff by himself yesterday when the office relocated to a different city in Texas.  I think we're halfway there - only 10 days to go till we're together again!

But I have been really busy and I've had a lot of fun in Utah with my fam and friends!  Here's what I've been up to:

relaxing at the pool with my mom : mother-daughter bonding, talking, drinking fresca, reading trashy magazines, etc

the happy couple!
married in the draper temple june 1st 
my cousin jordan and his gorgeous bride katie

me and my dad
lookin so fly in our sunnies

the whole fam-damily
all of my dad's siblings and their spouses 
and his parents

me and my mom

my adorable cousins tori & jocelyn

my grandparents: wilma & bud

cousin alexis & aunt elizabeth

some of the flowers, and they had mad-libs on the tables which i thought was a cute idea!

my cousins made all those pretty ribbon chandeliers!

cousin caitlin & i

my sis-in-law korinne left on her mission to spokane, washington!

bubba & tigger
one night i was the only one at home, and the kitties followed me all around the house!

they love me because i feed them 

(i stole these pics from christine)
my good friends from high school - matt & bree - got married!

so fun spending time with my girlfriends last weekend!

my good friend leigh was in town from canada so we threw her a baby shower!

i love all these girls!

my little cousin baby Grayson was blessed

a family favorite
i went at least three times while in utah, naturally


  1. i'm SO sorry you are not with your man...BUT, SOOOO happy that we get to have you for a little bit this summer. it's been really fun to see you so much and i cannot wait for our farmers market trip this weekend! p.s. those chandeliers are gorgeous! your cousin did do a great job. xx

    1. it has been so fun! i'm excited for the farmers market too!

  2. I love seeing the cute blonde in your hair! I'm so so glad we got to get together on Saturday! The shower was amazing Mel, you are seriously the best. I'm sure it's hard being away from Dustin but at least you get to have so much fun!

    1. thanks leigh! so fun seeing you, you are the cutest pregnant girl! :)

  3. We love when you girls come back and we get to see you! Such a good weekend!
