December was crazy for the hubby and I! He had intense finals, projects, papers, and presentations, and I had a bajillion harp events, concerts, gigs, and church performances. Dustin survived another semester of business school with all A's and one B!! And I survived another harp Christmas season. Though it was a lot of work learning new music, having 6am rehearsals, and moving the harp everywhere in the snow, we both loved the spirit of Christmas that we felt in our hearts because of the music. Music truly is powerful and can lift hearts like nothing else. I am so grateful for my talent and the many opportunities and blessings it brings to both mine and Dustin's lives.
holiday diamond party! i was hoping i might get paid with diamonds but sadly no ;)
harp & bells christmas concert.
my students played with 4 other teacher's students totaling 40 harps on stage!
seven harps!
we accompanied the salt lake vocal artists on their two christmas concerts
me and my boss/harp teacher/friend/mentor/wardie ShruDe
a few of us accompanied the salt lake choral artists again at their assembly hall performances
my best harp mover husband
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