Saturday, June 2, 2012

sea turtles

yesterday we saw 75 baby sea turtles released into the ocean! we woke up at 6am and drove 45 mins to malaquite beach on padre island.  turtles lay their nests here and then when the eggs hatch, park rangers/marine biologists/volunteers help them make their big journey into the ocean!  an awesome experience with our vivint friends taylor, emily, taylor, and trent. totally worth waking up ridiculously early. :)

i didn't realize how small they would be! babies!

i wasn't trying to get a picture of this lady's behind - she was just in the way!  they have the nets and the sticks with flags to keep sea gulls away from the turtles - they like to eat them. sad! 

the turtles making their way to the big blue!

beautiful beach

they release the turtles early in the morning, because they look for the sun.  we were told not to wear white, because it might confuse the turtles (i guess they would think we were the sun?...)

my husband bought me a cute bag :)


  1. What an awesome experience! I love watching the hatching turtles on the discovery channel ha ha. Cute bag!

  2. That looks like quite the experience! How fun!
