Monday, March 11, 2013

the latest and greatest, and not so greatest...

Here's a quick recap of what we've been up to lately!  Just enjoying life as usual, all of the great and not-so-great moments...we'll get to that later.  Oh and did I mention that we are going to Corpus Christi again this summer?  Another Vivint summer in Texas!  It would have been cool to go somewhere else but I really enjoyed south Texas and we are happy about our decision to go back.  Also, my brother Trevor and Dustin's brother Stephen are coming along to sell!  It's gonna be a par-tay!

My little cousin Max was baptized!  Eight is great!  
After the baptism, we headed over to another harp recital.  My students got to participate in another studio's recital.  Sadly, I didn't get any pics but they played beautifully!  My four year old student played Mary Had a Little Lamb and looked oh so adorable in her pink tutu dress.

We finally made it to Scheel's! 

Watch Kitty.
The other day when I pulled up to my parent's house, this is what I saw.  

Our good friends Katie & Jason (who set us up on our blind date, and thus we owe them forever).  Katie threw Jason a surprise birthday party last week.  I love surprise parties!  Happy 24 Jason! 

Shayna and Tanner picked me up from work last week to take me out to lunch!  Yum, fish tacos.  I'm sorry Tanner but if you're gonna make a face like that, you can't expect it not to show up on the internet.

Sister bonding time.  Shayna and I had a craft day while Dustin was out selling.  Who knew celery was so beautiful?

We also had a not-so-great moment last week when Dustin's car was stolen.  Yes, STOLEN!!  It was parked on the street, locked, and the next morning it was GONE.  Such an awful awful feeling!  Even thinking about it now, I just feel sick.  It makes you feel so violated, you know?  Luckily there was nothing valuable in it, although he had a nice stereo system.  We filed a police report and Dustin thinks that it won't turn up, but I am just crossing my fingers and praying that it will show up!  Even if the stereo is ripped out, it would just be nice to have the car back.  Dustin has never not had a car, and I think it is driving him even more crazy than me.  I think it maybe has something to do with his man ego.  

So for now, we are experiencing the one-car life.  We have always had two cars, and even though we both live close to school and work it is kind of a pain and pretty annoying.  We have to go through this talk every day where we have to figure out who needs to be where, when and who needs the car, etc.  I'm still hoping that the car will turn up, but if not we will just make it work until we leave for the summer, and then re-evaluate and possibly buy a car after the summer.  

Anyway - to end a happy note - this week is spring break for Dustin!  I still have to work but it means that we can play every night and stay up late watching movies and he doesn't have to worry about doing homework.  Also, I made these yummy lemon cookies last night.  


  1. Oh my gosh!! I can't believe your car got stolen, that is SO crazy. I saw your comment about our zoo post. You guys should come to the zoo with us, because we can get you in for free with our season pass :) We go all of the time!

    1. Ok, let's do it! That would be so fun - I haven't been to the zoo in years!

  2. Bummer about the car seriously!!! But I hoped you liked the cookies! ;)

    1. I loved them! So lemony and buttery and delicious. :)

  3. Mel I'm so sorry!! That is AWFUL! That must have been the worst feeling.

  4. i'm sorry to hear about dustin's car mel. it can still turn up!! my grandma's car was stolen and they found it like a week or 2 later! so it can happen :) good luck!

  5. OH MY GOSH. I am about to see you tonight (:)) but WOW, I am so sorry to hear about the car!! I'm glad you reported it, hopefully it will turn up. Ughhh so sorry. Fun other things going on though! I love the pict of you and Dustin at Scheels, it does look real!

  6. Mel, i'm SO sorry! that's terrible and yes, SO violating. that is CRAZY??! seriously. i hope it turns up too.

  7. Sounds like quite a weekend, except Dustin's car. Dang it! I'm so sorry :( That's rough. But thank you for your sweet comments on my blog, by the way. I would LOVE to hear your advice & opinions on teaching harp! We're waiting until we buy a house and get settled somewhere, so that we don't constantly move around, you know? I love Scheels by the way. And you guys are just too cute.
