Thursday, January 31, 2013

paper cuts

Last Sunday I got a paper cut on my left hand thumb.  It was pretty deep and hurt like the dickens.  I was supposed to play at the Grand America today, but I had to get a sub because I can't play with my left hand thumb because it has a paper cut and makes me cringe anytime I put pressure on it.  How pathetic.  One measly little annoying paper cut is keeping me from performing.  The other day someone asked me if my hands were insured haha.  I'm not sure if that would cover a paper cut though!

Paper cuts are seriously so dumb.  Dustin said that we should get rid of all the paper in the world, and just use iPads for everything.  Maybe, but I still like paper.  As much as I love my iPhone, I like to write in pretty journals, send hand-written notes, and feel paper in books.  When we were dating, sometimes I would leave little folded up love notes for him in random places, like under the windshield wipers of his car.  I still like writing him love notes.  Texts are fine, but there's something special about a hand written love note.


  1. Ugh paper cuts are the worst! I agree though...paper is best when it comes to love notes and letters! A letter in the mail is infinitely more exciting than an email or Facebook message :)

  2. Oh feel better!!! I hope it heals fast!

  3. agreed!! hand written notes are the best. i thought when i got my iphone i wouldn't use a planner anymore, but nope! i still love writing things in there. and ouch to your papercut!

  4. Melanie! I got your package!!! :) :) Thank you SOOO much and you are SUCH a cutie!!! :) I absolutely love everything you gave me! :) Especially the lip clips. Those are AWESOME!!!! :)

  5. Remember that sparkly pink notebook we passed along throughout our friends to write notes to each other in middle school? And those notes we folded so cutely? Middle schoolers are missing out these days :)

    1. omg Lisa! I totally remember that notebook! Aww the good old days. Kids really are missing out.

  6. Hand written notes, recipes, letters, birthday cards...they always mean so much to me! I keep those things. I even have a giant birthday card Lisa made me in high school!
