Friday, November 30, 2012

ten things

1.  This year we had three (yes 3!) Thanksgivings.  We are so blessed to be surrounded by such great family and have so much to be grateful for!  But please no more turkey until next year.  I'm turkey-ed out.

2. Last week I saw Elder Holland at our grocery store!  I said hi and we shook hands.  He is one of my most favorite apostles and that little moment made my week!

3. Christmas is coming!  I've started some shopping and am also working on a special homemade Christmas gift for our loved ones.  We put up our tree last week and I love how cozy and Christmasy our home feels now.

4.  Christmas is coming!  For a harpist, Christmas can be the busiest time of year.  I love it though!  My calendar is filling up with parties, weddings, etc and I've already started rehearsals for different concerts.  Lucky me to have a sweet husband to help me haul the harp around all over the valley. :)

5. Trader Joe's is opening in Salt Lake TODAY.  I think I'll wait a few days until the crowds subside.  On my list: speculoos cookie butter, cocoa drizzled kettle corn, chocolate covered peppermint jojo's, orange chicken...

6. Dustin's last week of the semester is next week, and then he has finals. Crazy!  He is swamped with 18 credits worth of group projects, papers, and studying.  He is doing so well in school though and I'm so proud of him.

7.  Last week we had a little get together with some of my best girl friends.  It was so fun just chatting and getting caught up on each other's lives.  It's amazing to see all the different paths that we have chosen.  I love those girls.  Excited for our upcoming girls night round 2 and Christmas party later in the month...

8. My mom crocheted a pretty red/orange infinity scarf for me.  For no reason.  She is so talented at so many things and I love her.

9. Last night I had a dream that I went on a study abroad to Sweden with a bunch of friends from high school, my husband, and our friends Emily & TJ.  It was a very interesting and very detailed dream.  Maybe I should go to Sweden.  Nah, I'd rather go to Italy or Switzerland first.  The husb and I are planning to take a Europe trip before we have children.  I'll keep you updated.

10. Quote of the day:
God expects you to have enough faith and determination and enough trust in Him to keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing.  In fact, He expects you not simply to face the future (that sounds pretty grim and stoic); He expects you to embrace and shape the future - to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities. - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

1 comment:

  1. Love all ten. Especially happy about the Elder Holland one, still SO cool you met him!!
