Tuesday, November 13, 2012

the power of kindness

On Sunday, we talked about the power of kindness in a church lesson.
Sometimes I get so caught up in the busyness of everything that I'm doing that I forget to be kind.
I am going to try harder to be kind to my coworkers, customers, strangers, friends, and especially family and husband.  I want to be proactive about it, and go out of my way a little bit each day to be kind to someone.  I believe there is power in being kind.  I know because I have been on the receiving end numberless times.  Whether it's a smile, a compliment, a note, an act of service, a phone call, a text, a prayer, a conversation, a surprise, a treat, or a hug, it can make someone's day a little better.
If we were all a little kinder, the world would be a little better.


  1. i LOVE this Mel. what an inspiration you are :) xo

  2. thanks for the reminder mel! i'm also sorry to hear about you dog. hope everything else is well with you!

  3. We had that lesson last Sunday too, my thoughts exactly!

  4. Hey Cute Melanie, I enjoyed this post - especially the second quotation - I had never heard it before! I'm going to remember that one.

    Warmly, Michelle
